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"Power of His Love"
2008 Worship Art
original artwork 30x24" acrylic on stretched canvas |
God's love came to earth in the form of a Man, Jesus. He walked among us, ate with us, laughed with us, cried with us. He taught us how to love by demonstration; discipled us in perfection; laid down His life for ours. When we touch His heart, because He has touched ours, what does that look like?
I would have to say that this painting is an expression of what He did for me the day He touched me with His love. It's just a glimpse. He touched me with a pinch of His love. He expressed it to me like this: "This is just the tip of a pin of my love for you. Its like an ice burg. What is seen is only a 10th of the ice burg. 90 percent of the ice burg is under the water. My love is so vast, so great, so powerful, that I can only pour out what's equal to the tip of a pin right now. More than that would be more than you could bear, its so powerful." So I knew that day, that though it seemed so overwhelming to me, it was just a taste of what He has for me.
As your heart is
enlarged by His love you can receive more of His love. But know this, there is so much more, that you could never, ever see the end of it. What does eternity look like? What does the love of an eternal, everlasting God look like? No prophet, no religion, no human idea, could even begin to touch on the revelation of the True and Living God.
So, we seek, we ask, we knock... we relentlessly yearn for revelation of His love, that is so deep, so wide, so high, so long, so very vast, that we will never see or experience the end of this love. Dive in, dive into the ocean of His love. Look upon the beauty of His love. Find a glimpse of it in the face of Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Messiah, Saviour, Friend...
O, how He loves us.....
"For God, who said, "Light shall shine out of darkness," is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God is the face of Jesus Christ."
II Corinthians 4:6
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