September 2, 2010

Broken & Spilled Out

This was a vision the Lord gave me as I sat before Him, in the prayer room at Zadok House of Prayer (ZHOP), Fort Mill, South Carolina in 2006. I painted in in 2007.


  1. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL Lisa!!! Please explain all the details! Love it!

  2. This was a vision the Lord gave me. You see on the floor the bottle of oil. This is our lives poured out because He poured out His life for us. Even in that place He gives more. He sends His Holy Spirit to be poured out upon us (the dove and the oil), and from that place the revelation of HIs love for us and His Kingdom within us flows.

  3. This really is a beautiful painting!!! Thank you for sharing your paintings by the way they really are a blessing!!! :)


Please let me know what you think.